Music: Death On Two Legs - Queen

I mean, really. When someone tells you that they've been genuinely worried about you and just want to hear from you because they care, telling them that you don't want to be friends with them is sick. That's not neutral; if you don't disassociate yourself with the other parties involved, you are not neutral. You're still taking sides. I understand and respect the person in question's opinion, but it still upsets me.
But they're not the heartless bastard I'm on about 8D Actually, no-one is, really. No-one I know, anyway.
Also, take this situation. You are a mother. You have split up with the father of your child, and your child has chosen to live with their father. When aforementioned child has problems with their eyes, needs glasses and is relying on you to pay for them, you should fucking pay because you have the money and the father doesn't and your child needs those glasses. She's your kid for fuck's sake.
Sorry to a certain person who knows what I'm on about xD; I don't mean to badmouth your mother, and I'm really really sorry that I'm being so harsh :/ But it makes me angry.
No, gran, I do not want to tidy my room. Yes, I am upstairs on the laptop talking to my best friend. No, I haven't cleaned up the useless piles of papers and such from my locker, stuff that's been collected in there for the past three years. No, I will not open my curtains and blinds and let glorious sunshine fill my room with radiant, purifying warmth like I've just been enlightened by the fucking son of Christ. No, I don't want to go out with my friends and chase boys and have fun. No I'm not wasting my summer holidays because, as John Lennon so rightly says, time that you enjoyed wasting, was not wasted. I will gladly spend the entirety of these holidays writing, drawing, net-surfing, blogging, chatting with people in other countries and generally not getting out much and doing wonderfully productive things. Hell, I might even find time to study.
Wow, ranting 8D Well anyway, er...there's not much else to say, is there? I'll try not to rant as much. It'll probably fade after a while anyway; I'm not used to speaking my opinion.
Also, I hope you're enjoying the icons : I take no credit for any of them.