Music: Big Spender - Queen (Live; Cover)

Okay so this blog's real title is "THE RANEE BLOG THAT HAS A NAME THAT ISNT JARITH'S BROTHERS NAEM", courtesy of my dear Raz, but I felt it was too long and too obnoxious. I thought for a few seconds and then a magical Danniibrainwave hit me and I went 'OOH I'LL MENTION IT ANYWAY'.
Allright, so I'm Dannii. I imagine the people that read this will already know this. Who am I? I' I'm uh. I don't know. You tell me. I love Queen, I love Bowie, I love telling people I love them, I love being loved, I love pickles, I love beetroot, I love spicy chicken, I hate narrow-minded ninnies, I love you, and you, and you, and you.
Hmm. Anything interesting happen today? A little. My alarm went off at 7:30am with that god awful rooster crowing ringtone that I cannot bloody stand nor change. I looked at it, went 'OH OKAY LET'S GET UP AND SEE KATE even though I've had one and a half hours of sleep', then promptly passed out again. I'm a bit of a night owl, you see.
I also went on a walk with my sister for the first time in months. We've been lawling and all that good stuff all day, which is a surprise. And Gran had her "friend" (Forbes. Who calls their child Forbes? It's almost as bad as Goopy.) cough cough over today. Apparently she visits him to help him with the computer and chat about gardening but pffff, those are called excuses, my dear, and I am no fool. There's a spark there and everyone but those two know it. Hell, even my papa does, and he's never even met Forbes, or seen them together.
Ooh, I'm writing so much today - and not just here - that my arms are aching. Ouch ouch. My sister made me a rather fabulous cup of tea, actually :U Is it just me, or are food and beverages much better when you're not the one that made them?
I like putting my own salt on stuff. Other people either put too little on, or too much. Somehow I manage to do it just right. Hm, probably just my overreactive imagination, but you know C:
Hasn't this been a wonderful post?
Pfft. <3
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